Calgary Real Estate Blog

There are numerous advantages to owning a home both inside and outside of the city. What matters most are the needs you have to meet as a home owner, as well as the budget for your home purchase.

Real Estate in the Suburbs

Real estate in the suburbs is normally better priced than inside the city where housing can be more scarce and costly. You will find that for the same number of square feet, you will pay less for real estate outside the city. If you have a family and would like more room without greater financial strain, it would be a good idea to consider looking for real estate in the suburbs.

You'll also have to factor in the time spent commuting back and forth to work. Living in the city will mean shorter commute times to work while

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Mortgage Life Insurance vs Mortgage Term InsuranceWhen you have purchased a new home you'll also be asked whether you'd like to buy mortgage life insurance as well. This is sure is that is offered by the same thing that you're dealing with for your mortgage. In some cases it will make sense to get this type of insurance and other times it's a complete waste of time and money.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

The Difference Between Mortgage Life Insurance and Term Life Insurance

There are significant differences to consider when choosing whether mortgage life or term life insurance is the best choice to meet your specific needs. Whereas mortgage life insurance is designed to pay off

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Getting your home preinspectedAs a seller, there are a lot of advantages when it comes to getting your home pre-inspected. Most buyers aren't willing to pay $400,000 or more for a home without seeing an inspection first. In many cases the buyer will end up asking for the inspection and paying for it but as a seller, it may be worth your while to shell out the $300-$400 it will cost to get the report. Here are some of the biggest benefits of taking a proactive role in getting your own inspection as a seller:

No Unexpected Surprises

While your home may look fantastic inside and out, it's really difficult to know what underlying problems may be hiding underneath. By getting a report, there won't be any last-minute surprises to deal with and you'll be able to handle some of the

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Weather forecasters in CalgaryAlmost nothing on TV is as important to Calgarians as the weather. It goes along with that well-worn adage of which we never seem to tire – if you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes. So, our TV weather presenters are like personal friends of ours. We look to them for advice – how to prepare for the day, when to plant our gardens, change our snow tires and when will the current conditions outside change. They're important to us.

Here's a look at the weather specialists and meteorologists that we've either come to trust or be highly skeptical of.

Global TV Calgary

Calgarians wake up to Jordan Witzel's weather reports, something he has admitted are challenging to keep up with after growing up in British Columbia where weather is dreary

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The 5 year rule Canadian real estateIf you've been looking into real estate in Calgary you've probably run into the five-year rule and may not fully understand it. If so, here's a brief explanation that will help you get a grip on this rule and where and why it applies.

What is the Five-Year Rule?

This is a very general rule that means you should plan on remaining in the home you purchase for five years at least. If you don't, it will hit you in the pocketbook, in most cases. This is due to the closing costs that need to be paid when you sell your house and can be a substantial amount, depending on the value of the home.

As well, you'll have to look at how much equity you have actually built up in your property. When you first take out a mortgage you'll be paying mostly interest

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How Millennials Are Changing the Face of Home BuyingMillennial home buyers would seemingly be the most eager of the population to delve into homeownership. However, current trends, statistics and surveys seem to say otherwise—at least according to details from Angus Reid for CIBC. In all, 42 percent of Canada's millennials have delved into homeownership, with 81 percent of those claiming they intend to sell in the future. Nearly two-thirds of such respondents claim they plan to sell due to the high cost of maintenance, taxes and mortgage payments.

So, what are millennials who have not invested in a home just yet thinking? According to recent statistics, 23 percent of surveyed individuals state that they have no plans to buy a home, while 29 percent doubt that a home purchase will ever be within their

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How to Organize Your GarageWhile garage organization can be seemingly impossible to obtain and maintain, with some clever design ideas and a willingness to ditch the junk, the garage can become a more inviting and functional space. And when selling a home with a garage, a clean garage always leaves a great impression on a potential home buyer. Here are some easy ways to get things in order fast, which can prevent injuries and allow everyone to find needed tools and stored items with ease.

Make a Plan and Set Aside a Date and Time

Avoid the temptation to just start pulling things out and rearranging on a whim, as this can lead to mixed results without actually getting much organization accomplished. Set a date and time such as a weekend morning, preferably when the

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What You Should Know Before Renting Your PropertyBuying a home and then renting your home to become a landlord can be a great way to really take advantage of a property. Tenants not only pay rent every month, but they also maintain the integrity of the property. (Just the simple act of using the plumbing system regularly can help it stay intact.) And if something goes wrong, such as a leak in the ceiling, the tenant will be there to alert the owner. But just because tenants can be a boon for property owners doesn't mean that all of them are worth the trouble. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before moving forward on a candidate.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney before renting your home or proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Start with the Regulations

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5 Things to Know About Seller DisclosuresSelling a home often involves presenting the property in its best condition. However, sellers also have obligations to potential buyers. In order to minimize future liability, sellers should confirm that they have given buyers a full picture of the home's condition. Some rules are based on the city or province. Others are more closely related to convention. With this information, sellers will understand how they can provide buyers with useful and accurate data about the property.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

1. Unknown vs. Known Faults

The information that a seller gives to a buyer is primarily a matter of liability. Sellers are

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What to Know About Seller FinancingIf you are selling your home you may have considered using seller financing to get it sold quickly. By seller financing we mean lending money to the person that is buying your home and acting as a financial institution for them. Contracts can be made up that allow you to loan the money to the buyer and then collect the interest from it.

This can greatly speed up the selling time for a home since many people do not meet the stringent requirements for mortgage loans at a bank. Also, a lot of people have a very hard time coming up with the initial down payment for their first home. If you need a quick sale you may consider seller financing as a viable option.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a financial advisor before proceeding

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