June 2022

Found 1 blog entry for June 2022.

By Justin Havre

alternate textRevelstoke ski patrol administers first aid to Justin Havre

The day started like any other – up early, a big cup of coffee and some light stretching before a breakfast of champions and a shower. It was January 5, 2019, and the day held great promise that a weekend of snowboarding at Revelstoke Mountain with good friend and leadership mentor Jon Cheplak would be invigorating, challenging and, most of all, a good laugh.

How that day at “powder paradise” ended changed my life forever.

Under gray skies and on top of a record 70 cm of fresh powder that had fallen during the previous two days on North America’s most vertical elevation, I was feeling invincible and game for anything. That was my first mistake.

We exited the

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