The Best Winter Sports to Play in Calgary
Posted by Justin Havre on Friday, November 9th, 2018 at 7:49am.
When the cold of the winter sets in, there’s nothing better to warm yourself up than bundling up, going out in the snow, and working up a sweat in the snow. From skiing to bobsleigh, there’s sure to be some winter sport in Calgary to pique your interest this winter.
Dog Sledding in Calgary! Have You Tried It?
Experience a true Canadian adventure with a dog sledding team this winter! There’s a company in Canmore named Snowy Owl Sled Dog Tours Inc. that offers sledding for both young and old. You'll have your choice of overnight, moonlight, short and long tours.
The tour begins with an introduction to the sport of dog sledding and some instructions to follow. The instructors are friendly and ready to answer any and all of the questions you may have.
Next it's time to get on board the sled and relax in the comfort of warm woolen blankets and sled bags that have been customized to be wind and water resistant. The sled can hold a maximum of 3 people including the instructor.
You can choose to have the instructor do all of the driving, can get "behind the wheel" yourself and steer the dogs with the instructor beside you or you can drive the sled on your own with the instructor following behind in another sled. In this case you can have your own group of 3 on the sled at a time.
You can't find these types of tours in many other parts of Canada. This is a completely different type of tour and one that's definitely worth experiencing. Not only will you be able to enjoy bragging rights to riding in a dog sled but you'll also leave the adventure with lifelong memories. As well, you'll enjoy a cozy campfire, great snacks and hot drinks on the tour.
Along the way and at the end of the trip you'll be able to personally thank the huskies that provided the adventure and give them a special hug. There are various opportunities to spend some interactive time with the beautiful huskies and you can get to know them better during the trip. Dog sledding in Calgary is available just outside of the city in Canmore. For more details you can visit the website to learn more.
Should you Try Bobsleigh at WinSport in the Canada Olympic Park?
For an older generation when you think of the bobsleigh the movie The Jamaican Bobsled Team comes to mind. For younger people maybe you just know bob sledding from the Olympics. Either way it does not look like it's for someone who doesn't enjoy speed. If you are considering trying bobsleighing at Winsport then you should know a few things. Four people fit into one sleigh and it goes very fast down a slick track of snow.
You will need to watch a safety video before you even start your journey. You will wear a helmet and be shown how to hold your shoulders and neck to prevent any injuries. There won't be an opportunity for you to run and jump in, you will climb in a very still sled and be pushed. There will be someone in the sled with you as well who has experience. This is your driver so you know you will be safe on the way down.
The ride really lasts for sixty seconds but it seems like so much more. The 5G forces are going to push you down and make it hard for you to hold up your head. Starting off slow you will accelerate as the ride goes on and by the end you will probably be happy it didn’t last any longer, but what a rush you will get from it. If you like to do things that give you an adrenaline rush then you should definitely try this out, there’s really nothing like it.
Obviously if you have back problems you shouldn't do it. There are about fourteen turns and you will get a little knocked around, but if you're in good health go for it!
Bobsleigh isn’t for everyone, but it is a lot of fun for anyone willing to give it a try.