10 Tips for Selling Your Home Smoothly
Selling a home is an involved process with many steps and strategies to promote a successful sale. In order to sell your home quickly and efficiently, follow the ten following tips to appeal to buyers.
Make an "I'll Miss It!" List!
There are several items you'll probably miss when you leave your house. These items can be excellent marketing features that are worth promoting to potential buyers. Take time to make note of the things you enjoy and will miss when the sale is complete and you've moved from your house. Items you appreciate are items someone else will enjoy too!
Know the Facts About Your Home
Most buyers will have questions about taxes, lot size, utility costs and other pertinent information about your property. It's always a good idea to know the facts and to have this information ready for potential buyers. Take time to research this information and have it readily available for buyers or real estate agents.
Document Recent Repairs
Most borrowers need to know about any recent updates, repairs, or additions you've made to your home. For example, things like a new roof, furnace, central air, or hot water heater are all important to note. What was the cost? When was it installed? And who did the work? These are important questions that agents or buyers will ask. Any items of repair or things that were added to the home during your tenure should be listed on a separate sheet if at all possible. It's also a good idea to furnish copies of paid receipts for items repaired or installed in order to validate these costs. Placing this information in a binder can be a good idea, and will help to promote your home to buyers and agents.
Replace Light Bulbs in the Home
Changing light bulbs to a higher wattage can help brighten the area and give a more spacious feel to your rooms. Always check the light fixture and the maximum wattage, and never add bulbs that are above the recommended usage. You can also add a drop of vanilla extract to lamp bulbs to add a fresh smell to rooms.
Remove Any Heirlooms or Keepsakes
Many times sellers will want to keep certain items that have sentimental value like a light fixture or wall mirror that has been affixed to the house. If you have any items that you plan to replace, then you should do so prior to any showings. Once buyers visit your property and begin making offers to purchase, it's generally hard to negotiate these items off of the offer to purchase.
Clean the Gutters and Add Extensions When Needed
You never know when your property may be shown, and if it's a day that is raining, the last thing you want is water gushing over the gutters and downspouts. Making sure the gutters are cleaned and extensions move the water away from your foundation is always a good idea for continued maintenance of your home. It also shows buyers your commitment to caring for your home and keeping it in tip-top shape.
Hire a Building Inspector

Let's face it; you want to sell your home. It's probably not a bad idea to have a building inspector look at your home and make a list of any repairs that need to be fixed prior to marketing your property. After all, many home buyers will get a home inspection too, so this type of pre-inspection will inform you of any potential problems that need to be taken care of. Many buyers will also get “cold feet" if the inspection shows too many needed repairs on their report. By fixing these issues in advance, you can ward off these potential problems.
Having a home inspection done prior to the buyer's home inspection is a good way for you to ensure there aren't any surprises later on in the home-buying process. If an inspection report turns up any serious issues, you have the chance to fix them before the buyer ever steps foot in your home.
Don't Be Too Overbearing to Buyers
Sellers will sometimes point out too many facts or features about the home, and can sound desperate to sell quickly. This attitude can hurt you when negotiating with the buyers, and can often cost you several thousands of dollars. This is one area where a real estate agent can be invaluable when selling your home. They can take care of the negotiations, and showing of your home, so you don't have to worry about it.
Have Your Home Professionally Appraised
It's usually a good idea to hire an independent appraiser when you're selling on your own. This way you'll feel certain that you are getting top dollar for your home.
Call Us If You Have Questions
If you have any questions or concerns that arise in the near future please don't hesitate to give us a call at (403) 217-0003. We can make the process of selling your home much easier than if you try to go it alone.
*Adapted from an article written by John D. Mayfield ABR, ABRM, GRI, e-PRO, CRB.
Contact us for expert advice on selling your Calgary home.