Comparative Market Analysis
A comparative market analysis (CMA) is an indicator of what current buyers are willing to pay for a home. It compares market activity of properties similar to yours in and sometimes around your neighbourhood.
When conducting a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to determine price, the following is considered:
- Properties that have recently (30 to 60 days) sold; these represent what buyers are willing to pay.
- Properties that are currently listed for sale; these are you current competition and represent the price sellers hope to obtain.
- Properties that have been listed, but expired or were terminated; these failed to sell and are generally overpriced or poorly marketed.
Contact Justin Havre at eXp Realty today for a current Comparative Market Analysis of your property, it is free and no obligation, or fill out the form below to submit one right now.
Find Out Your Home's Worth
If you're thinking about selling your home, it's important to know how much your property is worth on today's market so that you can determine an appropriate selling price. To do this, you need to know what similar properties are currently selling for in your area.
Simply fill out this form to receive your free home evaluation. Our experienced real estate team will review your home's details, and provide you with an up-to-date Comparable Market Analysis.